Novice test winnersThe club has open field trial status and holds four retriever and four spaniel trials each year (results can be found here). These trials are on the very best estates in Cornwall and we are most fortunate to enjoy the generosity of our hosts and support of their excellent keepers. This summer, on some of the same estates, we will be holding open and novice working tests for retrievers and spaniels. Your committee works extremely hard to put these events on and the support we are getting from the members show that they are making a great success out of them.

According to the demands of the membership, the club holds training seminars and/or classes for both retrievers and spaniels. This year there will be training classes from the end of April to early September. The trainers are catering for novice to advanced dogs and the classes are limited to members only. So if you want to come join up now.

Every year the clubs is asked to provide demonstrations of gundog work at several of the major events in the county such as The Royal Cornwall Show and Stithians Fair. The club usually has a stand as well at each show where you can buy training equipment, chat to club members and even join the club!

Werrington Park Country Fair is held near Launceston every two years and the CFTS hosts Interclub Retriever and Spaniel Team Tests for all the local clubs.

The club also participates in several other events hosted by local clubs and have been very successful in previous years. The club also sends a team to the Kintbury Interclub teams Tests and to the BASC Team Working tests at Sherborne Castle each year.
